Login Problem on UIFlow2

  • Problem summary: I can log in to M5Stack Community and UIFlow1, but not to UIFlow2 (https://uiflow2.m5stack.com).

    Of course, I tried resetting the password, but it didn't work.
    I have also tried deleting the browser cache and cookies, but no luck.
    I can't log in from the M5Burner app either. Deleting the app's configuration file (~/Library/Application Support/m5burner) and reinstalling it does the same.
    The password consists only of upper and lower case letters and numbers.

    I thought that the M5Stack Community and UIFlow2 accounts were separate, so I tried to create a new account, but it says 'this email address is already in use' and I can't create one. If I try to create a uiflow2 account while I am logged in to the community, I am just sent to the community profile page. This means that UIFlow2 and the community should work with the same account, right?

    I used to be able to log in to UIFlow2 when it was the beta, but now I can't seem to do it at all. Any hints would be appreciated.

    Environment: macOS 14.4, Safari 17.4, Chrome 122.0.6261.129, Firefox 123.0.1 (all the latest versions at the moment)

  • All systems are on the same server and so your forum credentials work on all services.
    It is possible that there was a server issue as it happens from time to time.

  • I'm on windows and one account works for all Uiflow1, Uiflow2, M5Burner and this forum too. Can you try windows machine?

  • Thank you for your replies. Unfortunately, I don't have a Windows PC, so I can't try with it.

    I created a new account with a different email address. With the new account, I can log in to M5Stack Community, UIFlow1 and UIFlow2 without any problem. So, strangely enough, I cannot log in only to UIFlow2 with my current account.

    I am not sure if I should migrate to the new account or not ... .

  • @wtakuo

    (Initial comment - Note possible workaround below)
    Same issue - from a Windows Machine (11). Noticed that incorrect creds instantly error out but the correct creds which fail login on UIFlow but work elsewhere cause the same hang as logging in elsewhere, which to be clear still works, the issue is UIFlow specfic for me.. Have tried with email and username + reset to no avail, seems there is an issue, account is relatively new, a few days - <1 week so maybe there's a sync issue or similar?? .

    UPDATE - Login worked on chrome after failing on brave - one difference being my email was all caps in chrome. Tried the same on brave with success - seems silly but perhaps theres a a!=A issue and one may need to sign in with the exact same string as used to sign up, an issue which doesnt seem to exist elsewhere.. Hope that helps!

  • I contacted the M5Stack Tech Support (via https://m5stack.com/contact) and received a response yesterday. Since then, I have been able to log in to UIFlow2 without any problems.
    I have not been told what caused this problem. So I'm not sure but It may have been a problem with my credential information stored on their server.