Please help with persistent error message. Thanks...

  • "Get res/img/UIFScreen2.JPG width and height failed"

    This is driving me mad. 26.9K properly formatted (baseline, no Progressive, 4:4:4 sample) JPG will not display in Uniflow 2.0.4 and returns error above. Background image is exactly 135 x 240 px for the M5StickC 2+. Displays OK in UIF but won't work when run.

    Would greatly appreciate any corrections or suggestions. Thanks...

    import os, sys, io
    import M5
    from M5 import *
    from boot_option import *
    from hardware import *
    from unit import NCIRUnit
    import time
    image0 = None
    TempF = None
    i2c0 = None
    ncir_0 = None
    def setup():
      global image0, TempF, i2c0, ncir_0
      i2c0 = I2C(0, scl=Pin(33), sda=Pin(32), freq=100000)
      ncir_0 = NCIRUnit(i2c0)
      image0 = Widgets.Image("res/img/UIFScreen2.JPG", 0, 0)
      TempF = Widgets.Label("TempF", 0, 105, 1.0, 0xe5ff13, 0x0838ec, Widgets.FONTS.DejaVu40)
    def loop():
      global image0, TempF, i2c0, ncir_0
      TempF.setText(str((int(ncir_0.get_object_temperature())) * 1.8 + 32))