myCobot 320 UIFlow comunication problems
Hello there, I need help. I am currently working with myCobot 320 and I am unable to move the cobot using UIFlow. I tried to reinstall the drivers, burn the software again onto the core, I double checked the ATOM/CORE communication and everything seems fine but whenever I try to use the blocks to move the cobot, or just change the colors o atom matrix it does nothing. Anyone got any ideas?
Hi @DarthLost
Can you provide more information?
For example:- How are your myCobot and Atom/Core connected, and which communication protocol is used?
- Your specific process of
change the colors o atom matrix
It would be a great help if you can understand the entire communication process between your myCobot and Atom/Core from beginning to end.
@kuriko Hey, I am sorry it is my first time using forums so yeah.. lol. Anyway they are connected using internally in the cobot using I2C protocol.
I tried to change the colors and move the robot using the ThirdParty blocks that UIFlow have. My last attempt to at least do something was looking something like this:
Is the "POWER OK" or "ATOM OK" runs normally? In my opinion, it is necessary to add a serial print or any response that you have confirmed to be observed normally after each block to ensure that the program is not stuck somewhere.