Has anyone had success with MicroPython SD card access on the CoreInk? I just installed the firmware that seems to be about 1 week old, but all I get is different error messages when trying to mount the SD card. With slot 1 or 2, I get: E (8624) sdmmc_common: sdmmc_init_OCR: send_op_cond(1) returned 0x107 With slot 2, I get: E (8049) spi_master: spi_bus_add_device(373): host not initialized E (8052) sdmmc_io: sdmmc_io_reset: unexpected return: 0x102 With slot 3, I only get OSError(16,), without additional info. If anyone has gotten the SD card to work on the CoreInk, which slot and pins do you use? Is there any other initialization necessary? -- Correction: it seems the only reason I get different error message is because I commented out sd.info(). With sd.info(), I still get the original error. So still no SD card support at all?