@imahgin The TF adapter will be added to the BASE menu in UIFlow when the programmer get through the back log and there is no TF UNIT.
Ok, thks.
In the meantime, I'll use this code to access to the microSD
@imahgin The TF adapter will be added to the BASE menu in UIFlow when the programmer get through the back log and there is no TF UNIT.
Ok, thks.
In the meantime, I'll use this code to access to the microSD
It turns out that there are some missing information -or I didn't find it- regarding to the SPI module.
The information available in the TF-Card page doesn't apply to the AtomS3 and there is no TF-CARD module in the Unit selection insdide UIFlow.
I compiled and ran the example for the Arduino IDE and then tried again to build a working example using microPython.
To whom it may interest, this is the code that works with my device:
import os
from machine import SDCard
from machine import Pin
sd = SDCard(slot=3, miso=Pin(8), mosi=Pin(6), sck=Pin(7), cs=Pin(5))
os.mount(sd, '/sd')
print("SD card mounted at \"/sd\"")
Acording to the product page it is compatible with Atom Matrix, Atom Lite, AtomS3, and AtomS3 Lite.
There is available an ATOM TF-CARD Kit which includes an AtomS3 Lite, and according to its pinout, MISO, MOSI and CLK are maped to header 5, but AtomS3 don't!!!
I own a TF-Card and wanted to create an example using UIFlow.
As I can see in the TF-Reader schematics, header 5 contains the SPI pins, but in the AtomS3, this header is mapped to GPIO G5-G8, ADC and touch.
In PinMap MOSI, CLK and MISO are respectively GPIO19, GPIO23 and GPIO33
How can I configure it to use the SD card?
@ajb2k3 said in Maximum output power:
@imahgin Yes, the only difference is that the lite lacks the screen.
Thks Adam
Hi there,
I've just purchased an AtomS3 and I would like to know the maximum current available from 5V and 3V3 pins.
I'm planning to power a small sensor which requires 3V3 and need to know the max. power the AtomS3 can supply.
There are no schematics or other relevant information available and the only references are from the Atom Lite.
In that device a 0.5A protects the 5V pin, and a SY8089A is used to get the 3V3 which can provide up to 2A -if no limitation from the input, of course-
Does the ATOMS3 use the same power control as the Lite one?
Thks in advance