Is it already possible to control de Bottom2 (RGB LED's) in UIFlow or Python ?
Kurt Hofman.
Is it already possible to control de Bottom2 (RGB LED's) in UIFlow or Python ?
Kurt Hofman.
Hello, I've upgraded my M5Stack Fire too 1.6.3 but the device doesn't boot anymore.
I get :
[0;31mE (433) esp_image: invalid segment length 0xffffffff[0m
[0;31mE (433) boot: Factory app partition is not bootable[0m
[0;31mE (433) boot: No bootable app partitions in the partition table[0m
Can this be solved !
Is it possible to add more than one access point in modeconfig.json (UIFLow) ?
So that if one is unavailable, the other one is tried ...
Will there be a possibility to install UIFlow on our own server ?
And updaten it with git ?
So we can use it internally without internet-access.
I'm using M5 Fire with firmare 1.0.3 in Chrome.
When I want to add an unit in UIFlow (for example ADC/BUTTON) it isn't available.
Is this because it's still in development or has it to do with something else ?
I flashed UIFLOW firmware for M5Stick but OLED doesn't yet work I guess ?
Code :
from m5stack import *
from m5ui import *
lcd.print('hello world', 0, 0, 0xffffff)
speaker.tone(1600, 200)
LCD goes blank and I hear a beep ...
Hello, I flashed UIFLOW 1.0.0 for M5STICK but LCD doesn't work (blank screen).
Code :
from m5stack import *
from m5ui import *
lcd.print('hello world', 0, 0, 0xffffff)
speaker.tone(1600, 200)
@devros : Hello, could you give me a start on how to connect with rshell ? I'm pretty new on all this :-)
How can I connect my M5STICK to UIFLOW ?
I installed latest firmware and configured wifi, but the display doesn't give me anything.
See :
WiFi AP WebServer Start!
Connect to Wifi SSID:M5Stack-6ec0
And connect to esp via your web browser (like
listening on ('', 80)
{'ssid': 'telenet-A9204', 'password': 'xxx'}
M5Stack Core try to connect WiFi: SSID:telenet-A9204 PASSWD:3FzZ5pCVaufP network...
Connected. Network config: ('', '', '', '')
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
ho 0 tail 12 room 4
entry 0x400802ec
[0;33mW (182) MicroPython: Entry[0m
[0;33mW (1182) MicroPython: SPIRAM: Disabled[0m
[0;33mW (1213) MicroPython: Configure stack[0m
[0;33mW (1213) MicroPython: MPy stack: 0x3ffbf954 - 0x3ffc355c (15368)[0m
[0;33mW (1213) MicroPython: Configure heap[0m
[0;33mW (1217) MicroPython: MPy heap: 0x3ffc3560 - 0x3ffd75a0 (81920)[0m
[0;33mW (1224) MicroPython: Main task exit, stack used: 1424[0m
[0;33mW (1276) MicroPython: [=== MicroPython FreeRTOS task started (sp=3ffc3490) ===]
Device ID:3c71bf456ec0
LCD initializing...Done!
Connect WiFi: SSID:telenet-A9204 PASSWD:xxxxxxx network...
Connected. Network config: ('', '', '', '')
M5Cloud connected.
I'm also looking for a way to use flow.m5stack.com or io.m5stack.com without internet-access.
It would be great if we could setup our own server to wich the module can connect.
Is the M5Go-module the same module ast the M5Stack 2018-version (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/M5Stack-PSRAM-version-Arduino-ESP32-micropython-MPU9250-development-kit/32862251158.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.119.666671a7egqGCE&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_10152_10151_10065_10344_10068_10342_5722912_10343_10340_5722612_10341_10696_5722812_10084_10083_10618_5722712_10304_10307_10820_10821_10302_10059_100031_10103_10624_10623_10622_10621_10620_5722512,searchweb201603_55,ppcSwitch_5&algo_expid=6c4efcd9-d974-41d1-8a73-4ecd550d20dc-17&algo_pvid=6c4efcd9-d974-41d1-8a73-4ecd550d20dc&priceBeautifyAB=0) ?
Is the M5Go compatible with the other M5Stack-modules (GPS, Battery, …) ?
Kurt Hofman.