Most likely possible through GATT client
Posts made by LasNiko
RE: M5Stack (Stick|Atom) with Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC
Check your uPython version
from m5stack import * from m5ui import * from uiflow import * import time import uos setScreenColor(0x000000) vstart = None vsysinfo = None vsecs = None vmins = None vtimetext = None battery = M5TextBox(0, 0, "loading", lcd.FONT_DejaVu18, 0xFFFFFF, rotate=0) uptime = M5TextBox(0, 32, "loading", lcd.FONT_DejaVu18, 0xFFFFFF, rotate=0) lb_sysinfo = M5TextBox(0, 64, "loading", lcd.FONT_DejaVu18, 0xFFFFFF, rotate=0) import math lcd.setBrightness(10) vstart = time.ticks_ms() vsysinfo = uos.uname() lb_sysinfo.setText(str(vsysinfo)) while True: battery.setText(str((str(((str('Battery: ') + str((power.getBatteryLevel()))))) + str('%')))) vsecs = round(((time.ticks_ms()) - vstart) / 1000) vmins = math.floor(vsecs / 60) vtimetext = (str((vsecs % 60)) + str('s')) if vmins != 0: vtimetext = (str(((str(vmins) + str('m ')))) + str(vtimetext)) vtimetext = (str('Uptime: ') + str(vtimetext)) uptime.setText(str(vtimetext)) wait_ms(2)
Super simple RGB mixer
My first time working with this hardware and UIflow / uPython I made a super simple RGB mixer.
(ty felmue for teaching me how to format code)
from m5stack import from m5ui import from uiflow import setScreenColor(0x222222) varBarFactor = None varR = None varG = None varB = None varHexR = None varHexG = None varHexB = None lb_RGBval = M5TextBox(26, 8, RGB, lcd.FONT_UNICODE, 0xFFFFFF, rotate=90) rec_R = M5Rect(44, 240, 50, 0, 0xff0000, 0xff0000) rec_G = M5Rect(133, 240, 50, 0, 0x00ff00, 0x00ff00) rec_B = M5Rect(224, 240, 50, 0, 0x0000ff, 0x0000ff) def workR() global varBarFactor, varR, varG, varB, varHexR, varHexG, varHexB if btnA.isPressed() varR = varR + 1 if varR 255 varR = 0 rec_R.setSize(height=int((varR varBarFactor))) rec_R.setPosition(y=(240 - int((varR varBarFactor)))) varHexR = str(hex(varR))[2] if len(varHexR) 2 varHexR = (str('0') + str(varHexR)) def workG() global varBarFactor, varR, varG, varB, varHexR, varHexG, varHexB if btnB.isPressed() varG = varG + 1 if varG 255 varG = 0 rec_G.setSize(height=int((varG varBarFactor))) rec_G.setPosition(y=(240 - int((varG varBarFactor)))) varHexG = str(hex(varG))[2] if len(varHexG) 2 varHexG = (str('0') + str(varHexG)) def workB() global varBarFactor, varR, varG, varB, varHexR, varHexG, varHexB if btnC.isPressed() varB = varB + 1 if varB 255 varB = 0 rec_B.setSize(height=int((varB varBarFactor))) rec_B.setPosition(y=(240 - int((varB varBarFactor)))) varHexB = str(hex(varB))[2] if len(varHexB) 2 varHexB = (str('0') + str(varHexB)) lcd.setBrightness(10) varBarFactor = 0.95 varHexR = '00' varHexG = '00' varHexB = '00' varR = 0 varG = 0 varB = 0 while True workR() workG() workB() rgb.setColorAll((varR 16) (varG 8) varB) lb_RGBval.setText(str((str('RGB #') + str(((str(varHexR) + str(((str(varHexG) + str(varHexB)))))))))) wait_ms(2)
Write characteristic to BLE device
I need my Core to write a characteristic to a BLE device (lightbulb) like so: can I do that in UIflow or Micropython?
RE: Tutorial: Using COM.LoRaWAN in UIFlow
Great job. Does this work the same with the old (blue) LoRaWAN module?
LoRaWan And M5 Fire hardware modification
I want to use the LoRaWAN module with the Fire Core.
I am confused about the necessary hardware modifications. It says:- M5Stack Fire has occupied GPIO16 / 17 to connect with the PSRAM by default, it's conflict with TXD / RXD (GPIO16, GPIO17) in this module. Therefore, when using the LoRaWAN module with the M5Stack Fire, you might have to cut the TXD and RXD from GPS module and wire fly to another set of UART pin, if you gonna use the PSRAM.
Why does it talk about a GPS module? What connections am I meant to cut? Could someone please clarify?