Hi, you have M5Paper?
you can try this sniplet?

Posts made by yellowelise
RE: M5Paper sd card issues
M5Paper sd card issues
I Have problem with Sd card in my first batch M5Paper, I try this code but don't works, anyone can try in it's m5paper?
#include <M5EPD.h>
File myFile;
void setup(void)
SPI.begin(14, 13, 12, 4);
bool ret = SD.begin(4, SPI, 20000000);
if(ret == false)
Serial.print("SD ERROR...\n");
Serial.print("SD OK...\n");
if (SD.exists("screen.txt"))
Serial.print("screen.txt exists...\n");
Serial.print("screen.txt NOT exists...\n");
Serial.print("Try to create screen.txt...\n");
myFile = SD.open("screen.txt", FILE_WRITE);
myFile.println("Some text...");
if (SD.exists("screen.txt"))
Serial.print("now screen.txt exists...\n");
Serial.print("not jet screen.txt exists...\n");
void loop(void)
Save current screen content to image file (SD card)...
With arduino library...
It's possible to do?
code examples?
A -
M5Stack Fire old?
There are two version of M5Stack Fire?
I recently buy a Fire with MPU6050+MAG3110 instead of MPU9250
MPU6050 are old version? -
RE: Unit WEIGHT issues
@watson one question, are you sure weight unit are I2C?
I see the back and report GPIO A/B/C...
I buy also this:
And I hope this works... -
Unit WEIGHT issues
Hi, it's possible to attach at M5Stack FOUR Weight unit and read the weight for each unit?
Write .bin from one m5stack to another...
It's possible to write bin via type C usb?
HardReset are real hardware reset?
I need tuo exec code before reset button pressed...
it's possible?
it's hardware reset button or a interrupt generator? -
RE: THERMAL UNIT (MLX 90640) does not work.
This my version (improved) can you try?
https://github.com/yellowelise/M5Stack-Thermal-MLX90640 -
Improved Version of M5Stack Thermal Unit MLX90640
My improved version of Thermal unit:
Auto Scale and Configurable pixel block temp display...
any feedback are welcome.
https://github.com/yellowelise/M5Stack-Thermal-MLX90640 -
RE: No GPS unit examples?
No baud in HardwareSerial but Baud in GPS module config, what is the correct NMEA string to config Serial Baud rate communication from GPS to HOST and what is the correct sentence to ser 10hz frequency?
es. $GPTXT.......