Display Module block is not working

  • @m5stack
    In the module "Display", the block "Module Display config" generates the following upython code and error message:

    module_display = M5.addDisplay({"module_display":{enabled:True, width:1920, height:480, refresh_rate:60, scale_w:0, scale_h:0, pixel_clock:7425000}})

    NameError: name 'enabled' isn't defined

    The correct python syntax that should be generated, with strings double-quoted, is:

    module_display = M5.addDisplay({"module_display":{"enabled":True, "width":1920, "height":480, "refresh_rate":60, "scale_w":0, "scale_h":0, "pixel_clock":7425000}})

    Manually entering the above adds in the second display without errors, but putting that code in an "execute mpy code" block instead makes the UI editor unusable

  • @dissy Processing