UIFlow V1.12.8 Atom Lite RTC read error

  • Using the block rtc read ["rtc_0" get rtc "seconds'] returns an error
    Desktop uiFlow V1.9.5 block rtc [in list] "rtc_0" get rtc [get # from end "0"] returns ok

  • Hello @Piet

    hmm, the block ["rtc_0" get rtc "seconds"] works fine for me with RTC unit connected to port A.

    My M5Atom lite is running firmware UIFlow v1.12.8 and I used Web UIFlow to test.

    from m5stack import *
    from m5ui import *
    from uiflow import *
    import unit
    rtc_0 = unit.get(unit.RTC8563, unit.PORTA)

    Did you verify the RTC unit is properly connected to port A?


  • Hi Felix
    Thank you for replying...
    The following runs fine in the desktop IDE V1.9.5 and flashes the LED for the number of months so I know the rtc is set... n.b. not seconds in this example
    Changing to the Web UIFlow all attemps of running the script with new read statement return an error.
    I believe that the the atom and the rtc are working correctly.
    The new python code in the Web UIFlow is (rtc_0.get_date_time(2)) where as in the desktop UIFlow it is (rtc_0.get_date_time())[-3]

  • Hello @Piet

    not sure what's going on. I can read hours, minutes and seconds just fine. Below code runs without error for me.

    from m5stack import *
    from m5ui import *
    from uiflow import *
    import unit
    rtc_0 = unit.get(unit.RTC8563, unit.PORTA)

    Which UIFlow firmware version is installed on your M5Atom Lite? I have UIFlow firmware v1.12.8 running on my M5Atom Lite.


  • @piet
    Do not use the desktop version uiflow firmware, it is discontinued, please use the new update firmware[v1.12.8] via the m5burner


  • @pandian-nano
    Hi Felix and Pandian
    I am sorry. I was using an old M5Burner.
    Flashing with the M5Burner V1.12.8 and using the Web UIFlow everythings is working
    Thank you for your help
    kind regards piet