@watson @world101 @ajb2k3 @hetzer
I would still consider adding it. I understand it only exists in m5go and fire but then under hardware blocks call the block m5go mic. I just think new users would experiment more with that function exposed as a block. I totally understand I can now make a custom block for this but I still think it makes sense to see it as a default block. It should definitely be exposed for StickC since with that board there is no confusion as they all have a mic. What about having a toggle when the user selects core that designates fire, go, grey, etc. (just like you do with stick and stickC) and have that toggle load the appropriate on board hardware blocks. What about a block that exposes the hall effects sensor too while you are at it. I guess I feel like expose it all since it encourages development and you never know what someone makes with it. At the very least it helps encourage learning and ease of use which seems like the point of block based visual coding.
Best posts made by jpilarski
RE: [Solved]M5fire read microphone
RE: [Solved]Trouble burning MicroPython firmware
If you install uiflow firmware you have also installed micropython. You can connect to a repl shell, load libraries, and modify main.py. You can use any micropython ide and you aren't required to use uiflow. It is a good option though. I like using upycraft. Even if I am running uiflow I'll still keep a connection to the board open with upycraft to get immediate feedback. With upycraft you have direct access to the filesystem and you can drag and drop files to and from the board. You can also run
where module is one of the listed modules. To learn more of all the built in functions available. -
RE: uiflow 1.1 m5stick no api key
I think what was happening was, for some reason, flow.py was never being loaded. I manually ran flow.py from the console and it allowed the m5stick to finally go to the api key screen. I noticed in the code it mentions you can press button A to generate a new api key but for some reason it wasn't working. Anyways now it's good and I am successfully programming the stick as we speak. thanks
RE: [Updated] 20-04-2019 UIFlow big update.
@ajb2k3 That's impressive work. I really like the new additions. I definitely want to read over it more but thanks so much for sharing.
I am using IFTTT with webhook based on an ok google "turn light on" and "turn light off" command. That message is relayed to io.adafruit and then transmits back to m5stack which performs a function based on the string received. Optionally data can also be sent to the cloud from the board using publish topic. -
RE: 328p firmware workflow
Got it that is what I thought but I wasn't sure and just thought I'd ask. Thank you both for your response.
RE: UIFlow 1.4.5
I love seeing the graphic icons of the two new boards they look really cool in the simulator. I am sure you are already working on this but there needs to be a way, after selecting the leds in the simulator, to save a page of the toggled leds for the atom and then play back or trigger those pages. I picture something like the emoji interface you had in previous releases would be helpful to bring back since it had multipage options for crerating animations.
I imagine much of the code used used on the 5x5 microbit screen would be helpful if ported to UIflow. Things like the various 5x5 fonts they have avaiable as well as the various scrolling routines https://makecode.microbit.org/#editor FONTS. I know this is just the beginning and it already looks great but I thought I would state the obvious benefit of adding in some of this capability in future releases. thanks for the new release it's always fun to see what new tools you've made for us. -
RE: UiFlow interface suggestions
I have a few more suggestions.
- It would be great to be able to add comments in uiflow. Microbit has this option and it's very helpful.
- It would be great to be able to double click on the canvas and type, at which point a list of the common blocks with that typed letter would be listed and able to be selected for use. This would allow the user to more quickly access the blocks required and to stay in the flow - no pun intended. Here is an example in grasshopper.
- It would be great to be able to add comments in uiflow. Microbit has this option and it's very helpful.
Forum categories and release notes
I think it would make sense to add forum categories for MicroPython topics and a separate category for arduino topics. Also there needs to be a release notes page for uiflow that indicates the new changes whenever an update occurs for this tool. It would be helpful to see documentation on the changes so users can help to more easily contribute.
RE: [Solved]Where to get basic (offline?) MicroPython firmware with lcd module support?
I did come across this info about on screen repl https://forum.micropython.org/viewtopic.php?t=5589
i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(4), sda=machine.Pin(5)) oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, i2c) from FBConsole import FBConsole console = FBConsole(oled) os.dupterm(console)
Latest posts made by jpilarski
ui buttons, switches, and sliders in Uiflow 2.0?
@m5stack I know this has been pointed out several times in a few posts but no clear answer has been provided. Can you please tell us when will the previous gui features be added to uiflow 2.0 and when will all of the graphic blocks for drawing lines, rectangles, etc programmatically be added?
RE: UiFlow 2.0 discuss(how-to, bug, feature request or sometings)
I am looking for all of the lcd drawing tools that were available in uiflow1.0. I was making some interactive graphics and I was drawing lines or rectangles in a loop and doing that in uiflow2.0 requires you to first drag out 100 lines in the ui builder which just is too slow. Here are the bloacks I am looking for in uiflow 2.0. How can I do something similar in uiflow 2.0
RE: Servos for S3 in uiflow2
@felmue thanks I will check it out and make better use of the project zone as a how to learning aid.
RE: Servos for S3 in uiflow2
@m5stack any updates on servo blocks for uiflow2.0. If they aren’t going to made available what is the suggested way to program the core s3 to use blocks to rotate the M5stack 9g servos available at the m5store to specific angles.
RE: UI widgets missing in UIFlow 2
@m5stack i too would really like to see the widgets added to uiflow2.0 I had a classroom of students purchase a cores3 and was excited to show them how easy it is to make a ui but I quickly realized uiflow2.0 is without some essential features such as sliders, buttons, bar, etc. I also thought the led units for the hex and strip available in 1.0 were more user friendly than the rgb blocks available in 2.0. I liked how visual the led units blocks were in that you could literally see the hex led tile in blockly.
RE: UIFLOW variable declaration issues - need help
I am still getting a "can't convert float to int" error whenever I use a variable in the by argument in the count with i from to block. If I use an integer block in by it works fine. If I set a variable to the same integer it gives me an error and if I convert to int or convert to float I get the same error. If I click on details it reads: File<'string'> line57 in <module> TypeError: can't convert float to int. This is a bummer since I need to use a variable in the by argument of the block. Any help would be appreciated
RE: Core 2 bar widget
Thanks @felmue that helps and thanks for sharing that image. I misunderstood the bar widget. I thought I could interact with it in a similar way as you interact with a slider and didn’t realize it was only meant as an visual indicator. I like the minimal look of the bar but I still want the functionality of the slider. It would be great to be able to define the touch dot on the slider either by setting visibility, setting color, and or setting size. -
Core 2 bar widget
The bar widget only renders as a solid color and I can’t manage to get it to output any value change on touch event. Also is it possible to offer control over the center of the slider widget. If the function to change the slider dot color already exists can you please tell me how to do that.
Core 2 speaker blocks
Is it possible to add the speaker.tone() and speaker.sing() blocks to the core2 speaker block functions. Also it would be great to see some midi blocks especially since you added ble. Perhaps you can offer midi over serial and also using midi device ble profile. By the way, it’s really cool to see the ble blocks added. Last thing, you have some nice helpers when writing micro python such as select all, copy, paste, find and replace, and pallete which are all accessed at the icon shown at the end of each line. These are great when working on a tablet but it would be good if you broke out select all into two functions. If you click on select it would select only one line and if you click on all it would select all. I haven’t figured out what the pallete does. Can you please tell me how the pallete helper is used.
RE: bluetooth in core2
Just checking back to see if and when bluetooth block will be added to core 2 in uiflow. thanks