I assume that I a am not the first one to ask, but how can I select other fonts? Thanks
Best posts made by HappyUser
Core-Ink --> Any other fonts available besides the two included
Atom Echo. Format and create sound file
I have been googling around, no understandable answers found. But I am sure I am not the only one with this interest.
Could anyone explain the binary format of the sound stream used in the echo? And also nice to have : howto proces a mp3 or wav file into the required binary array to be used in the Echo?
Thanks. -
RE: STAMP CATM does not respond (Solved, HTML Get and Send Email)
A few tips who want to start with this module:
1] Remove PIN code, makes life much easier
2] Download the application notes for this module. Both the complete AT instruction set and the note on HTTP application. This document provides clear instructions how to use HTTP, GET, POST etc
3] I experienced ERROR response on SHCONF command. Googled around, saw numerous hits. It appears that switching off and on power does the trick for me. I did not see a reset AT instruction
4] I got it all working with these instructions :
//pinMode(RXD2, INPUT);
//pinMode(TXD2, OUTPUT);
//showLog("Reset Module...");
//DTU.Init(&Serial1,36, 26);
//Serial1.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, RXD2, TXD2);
//Serial1.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, 26, 0);
Serial1.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, 0, 26); // SIM7080Gdelay(300); //Serial1.print("ATI\r\n"); //Serial1.println("AT+CSQ\r\n"); //Serial1.println("AT+IPR?\r\n"); Serial1.print("ATZ\r\n"); // Reset to default delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+IPR=115200\r\n"); // Reset to default delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CCLK?\r\n"); // Reset to default delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SHSSL=1,\"\"\r\n"); // Reset to default delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CFUN=1\r\n"); // delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CMGF=1\r\n"); // text mode delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500);
// Om http te testen
Serial1.print("AT+CFUN=0\r\n"); // Disable RF delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); //Serial1.print("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"internet\",,0,0\r\n"); // Serial1.print("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"internet\"\r\n"); // delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CFUN=1\r\n"); // Enable RF delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CGATT?\r\n"); // Check PS Service delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CGNAPN\r\n"); // Query the APN service delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CNCFGN=0,1,\"internet\",,0,0\r\n"); // Before activation please delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CNACT=0,1\r\n"); // Activate delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CNACT?\r\n"); // Query the APN service delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SHCPARA\r\n"); // delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SHCONF=?\r\n"); // delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SHCONF?\r\n"); // delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500);
// Serial1.print("AT+SHCONF="URL","https://api.thingspeak.com/update"\r\n"); // Query the APN service
//Serial1.print("AT+SHCONF="URL","httpbin.org"\r\n"); // Query the APN service
//Serial1.print("AT+SHCONF="URL",""\r\n"); // Query the APN service//SIM7600_Error=1; //for (int i=0;i<10;i++) // { //Serial1.print("AT+SHCONF=\"URL\",\"http://www.google.com\"\r\n"); // Query the APN service Serial1.print("AT+SHCONF=\"URL\",\"http://www.httpbin.org\"\r\n"); // Query the APN service delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(2000); // if (SIM7600_Error=0) {break;} // } Serial1.print("AT+SHCONF=\"BODYLEN\",1024\r\n"); // delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SHCONF=\"HEADERLEN\",350\r\n"); // delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SHCONN\r\n"); // Query the APN service delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SHSTATE?\r\n"); // Query the APN service delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SHCHEAD\r\n"); // Query the APN service delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SHAHEAD=\"User-Agent\",\"curl/7.47.0\"\r\n"); // delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SHAHEAD=\"Cache-control\",\"no-cache\"\r\n"); // delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SHAHEAD=\"Connection\",\"keep-alive\"\r\n"); // delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SHAHEAD=\"Accept\",\"*/*\"\r\n"); // delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SHREQ=\"/get?user=jack&password=123\",1\r\n"); // delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SHREAD=0,391\r\n"); // delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500);
RE: M5 paper reading google sheet
@paulpattyn Uh, how about use Google : https://www.instructables.com/Post-to-Google-Docs-with-Arduino/
Regards -
RE: ATOM Lite Display not display in smallHd 503
@cepics said in ATOM Lite Display not display in smallHd 503:
SmallHD503 datasheet
I read that you are also struggling with this (5 inch?) display. I am facing the same issues with Waveshare 5inch display. Although I have the very strong feeling that the software on the M5AtomDisplay as shipped is different from the GitHub factory test. Have you been able to get things working?
RE: SIM7080G CAT-M/NB-IoT+GNSS Unit Issues
#include <HardwareSerial.h>
HardwareSerial Comm(1);Comm.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1,TX_pin,RX_pin); // TX RX
Comm.print("AT+IPR=115200\r"); // Set text mode
Last command should return an OK. If not, it could be that you have mixed up TX and RX pins or a power issue.
To read the reply from the module you could use something like this :
while (millis()<wait_until)
while (Comm.available())
if (k<buffer_size-1)
if (strstr(Receive_buffer,StopCharArray)!=NULL)
//Serial.println("OK found");
// SIM7600_Error=0;
return false;
} -
RE: STAMP CATM does not respond (Solved, HTML Get and Send Email)
Okay, Had a lot of <bad language> getting sending email working.
Than I realized that powering the module straight from the M5StickC appeared to causes glitches. I have placed a capacitor on top of the 5Volt to the module and now I am able to send emails also. For those that are interested, here is the code (with a lot of overhead no doubt, that works for me ):
Serial1.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, 0, 26); // SIM7080Gdelay(300); //Serial1.print("ATI\r\n"); //Serial1.println("AT+CSQ\r\n"); //Serial1.println("AT+IPR?\r\n"); Serial1.print("ATZ\r\n"); // Reset to default delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CREBOOT\r\n"); // Reset to default delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500);
Serial1.print("AT+CMEE=2\r\n"); // Verbose error printing ??
*/Serial1.print("AT+IPR=115200\r\n"); // SetTE-TAFixedLocalRate delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CCLK?\r\n"); // Clock delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500);
// Upload a file
Serial1.print("AT+CFSINIT\r\n"); // Clock delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500);
String Command_Str;
Serial.println(Command_Str);Serial1.print(Command_Str); delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); for (int i=0;i<FileSize;i++) {Serial1.print(jpg_small[i]);} Serial1.print("AT+CFSGFIS=0,\"0001.txt\"\r\n"); // delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CPIN?\r\n"); // Ccheck SIM delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CSQ\r\n"); // Check signal delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CFUN=0\r\n"); // Set Phone Functionality isable RF delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); //Serial1.print("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"internet\",,0,0\r\n"); // Serial1.print("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"internet\"\r\n"); // Define PDP Context delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CFUN=1\r\n"); // Set Phone Functionality Enable RF delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CGATT?\r\n"); // Attach or detach from GPRS service delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CGNAPN\r\n"); // Get Network APN in CAT-M or NB-IOT Query the APN service delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CNCFGN=0,1,\"internet\",,0,0\r\n"); // Before activation please delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CNACT=0,1\r\n"); // APP Network Active Activate delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+CNACT?\r\n"); // APP Network Active Activate Query the APN service delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+EMAILCID=0\r\n"); // Set parameters of email delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+EMAILTO=30\r\n"); // Set parameters of email time out delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500);
Serial1.print("AT+EMAILSSL=2,0,"email.cer","email.pem"\r\n"); // Set Encrypted mail
// https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-send-email-smtp-server-arduino-ide/Serial1.print("AT+SMTPSRV=\"smtp-mail.outlook.com\",587\r\n"); // Set SMTP server delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500);
//SMTP Password: (you need to use a Google App Password, not your Gmail password!)
// https://www.hesk.com/knowledgebase/index.php?article=72Serial1.print("AT+SMTPAUTH=1,\"my.email.com\",\"myApppassword\"\r\n"); // Set username and password
delay(500);Serial1.print("AT+SMTPCS=\"ASCII\"\r\n"); // Set Email SSL function delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+EMAILSSL?\r\n"); // Read Email SSL function delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+EMAILSSL=2,0,\"\",\"\"\r\n"); // Set Email SSL function delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+EMAILSSL?\r\n"); // Read Email SSL function delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SMTPFROM=\"my.email@outlook.com\",\"Fakename\"\r\n"); // Set username and password delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SMTPRCPT=0,0,\"Sendto@mac.com\",\"john\"\r\n"); // Set recipient To: delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500); Serial1.print("AT+SMTPSUB=\"Test4\"\r\n"); // Set recipient Bcc: delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500);
String Email_Body="This is a new Email";
int Body_size;
Serial.print("Body size is :");
Serial.println(Body_size);Serial1.print("AT+SMTPBODY=19\r\n"); // Set recipient Bcc: delay(10); Read_Response_OK(5000); //Serial.println(Receive_buffer); //delay(500); Serial1.print(Email_Body); //Serial1.print("\r\n"); delay(10); Read_Response(5000); Serial.println(Receive_buffer); delay(500);
char ccc;
Serial1.print("AT+SMTPSEND\r\n"); //
while (Serial1.available())
Read_Response(5000); //Geen OK
Serial.println("And we are done");
while (1) {delay(300);} -
RE: Remote Sensing with Core2 (UIFlow) via LORA Point-to-point
Interesting question. M5Stack provides P2P LoRa example along with their documents. My suggestion is to make a proof of principle what you need. Then try the max achievable distance. Mqtt is another challenge but also many examples on GitHub.
RE: STAMP-C3 problem with Serial2
I don't why I have been klinging on to Serial2, it got me in all kind of testing out, but the solution is to use Serial 1. -
RE: RFID 2 unit and I2C hub 1 to 6 expansion unit
@laursena please check the version of ClosedCube.cpp and ClosedCube.h you are using. The one that is provided by M5stack is the newest.
(* In the examples of M5StickCPlus in the directory Unit/PaHub you may find these documents. *)
Latest posts made by HappyUser
8-Channel Servo Driver Unit to drive a 5 volt DC motor
I was wondering, can i use the 8-Channel Servo Driver Unit (STM32F030) to directly PWM control a 5 volt DC motor?
Any thoughts ?Thanks
HappyUser -
LoRa Unit with Antenna (E220) how to wake up?
Description explains me :
It utilizes convenient serial communication. It supports point-to-point transmission and broadcast modes, as well as wireless wake-up,I am curious how that can be done, certainly because pin AUX is not connected.
The documentation for the chip ( E220-400T22S) reads like this :
pin 24
Used to indicate the working status of the module;
The user wakes up the external MCU and outputs low level during power-on self-check initialization; (can be left floating) -
AtomS33R Camera, control blue light on the front
Sorry, no doubt i have missed it in the documentation and sample, but how can I control the blue led on the front of the camera?
Or is this the IR Led driven by GPIO_Num_47?
Oh, now I see, it is the blue led connected to 3 Volt.
Thank you.
This code does not seem to work :#include <M5AtomS3.h> void setup() { AtomS3.begin(true); // Init M5AtomS3Lite. AtomS3.dis.setBrightness(10); } void loop() { AtomS3.dis.drawpix(0xff0000); AtomS3.update(); delay(500); AtomS3.dis.drawpix(0x00ff00); AtomS3.update(); delay(500); AtomS3.dis.drawpix(0x0000ff); AtomS3.update(); delay(500); }
RE: M5 paper reading google sheet
@paulpattyn Uh, how about use Google : https://www.instructables.com/Post-to-Google-Docs-with-Arduino/
Regards -
RE: Unit cam S3 : .ino files , where to find
@kuriko Thank you. I would have hoped that they also supply Arduino code.
Unit cam S3 : .ino files , where to find
Hi there,
I was wondering, where can I find software, for example the firmware, that I can open directly in the Arduino development software. I have found the GitHub page but I don’t see any .ino files.
Thanks. -
RE: RFID 2 unit and I2C hub 1 to 6 expansion unit
@laursena please check the version of ClosedCube.cpp and ClosedCube.h you are using. The one that is provided by M5stack is the newest.
(* In the examples of M5StickCPlus in the directory Unit/PaHub you may find these documents. *) -
RE: RFID 2 unit and I2C hub 1 to 6 expansion unit
SOLVED : After remeniscing abount my life, and specifically what goes wrong here, i just realised : could it be that I am using an outdated library of ClosedCube. And yes, after using the version from 4 April 2023, everything works fine now.
@felmue In Dutch : Krijg nou wat?
I put the RFID 2 module in slot 1 of the TCA 9548A module and then in channel 0 (weird because i have placed it in channel 1) i see address 0x28 of the RFID popping up.Does this mean that channel 0 on the module is not usable?
ThanksIn follow_up , I have checked ClosedCube_TCA9548A.cpp and the selctChannel goes like this :
uint8_t ClosedCube::Wired::TCA9548A::selectChannel(uint8_t channel) { uint8_t result = 0xff; if (channel < TCA9548A_MAX_CHANNELS) { Wire.beginTransmission(_address); Wire.write(((uint8_t)1) << (channel)); _currentChannel = channel; result = Wire.endTransmission(); } return result; }
That seems to be correct if I read the documentation of the Texas Instrument module TCA9548A
I am really misunderstaning something or could it be that their is somekind of wire mixup in the module?
Btw, I also dont see a reset channel somewhere in the code.
Now i did another experiment using PCA9548AP (the newer version).
Plugging in the RFID in channel 0 gives no response.
Plugging in channel 1 : software tels me the device is in channel 0
Plugging in a second RFID in channel 2 :software tells met a I have another device in channel 1.I tried to increase the max number of channels to 8 (assuming that channel 0 is somehow connected to channel 7 of 8). Still no response when i attach a device physically on channel 0.
This is really weird behaviour. I hope someone is at least able to reproduce this behaviour.
RE: M5 Unit Scroll Arduino Example
@cepics Have you checked whether M5UnitScroll.begin returns true? Baybe that gives a clue.
Regards -
RE: RFID 2 unit and I2C hub 1 to 6 expansion unit
@felmue Sorry for my late response, been a bit occupied. Tried exacltly the include code with the most recent version of M5Unified (0.2.1) and M5Stack board manager (version 2.1.2). Connect the RFID 2 unit to slot 0 of the TCA9548A module (boh M5Stack products.
It only lists for each channel 0x70 wire ping value. I would have expected for channel 0 to have a response on 0x28 (native wire address of the RFID 2 module). Maybe it is because the RFID module has not been inititated yet. But I do not know where to put the init of the RFID module. Tried at different place in the code , to no avail. I hope someone has an idea of where I am going wrong here.```
//#include <M5Core2.h>
#include <M5Unified.h>
#include <Wire.h>#include "ClosedCube_TCA9548A.h"
#define FRONT 2
#define X_LOCAL 100
#define Y_LOCAL 35
#define X_OFFSET 160
#define Y_OFFSET 34#define PaHub_I2C_ADDRESS 0x70
ClosedCube::Wired::TCA9548A tca9548a;
void setup() {
tca9548a.address(PaHub_I2C_ADDRESS); // Set the I2C address. 设置I2C地址
M5.Lcd.setCursor(70, 0, 4);
M5.Lcd.setTextColor(YELLOW, TFT_BLACK);
M5.Lcd.println(("PaHUB Example"));
M5.Lcd.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK);
}void loop() {
uint8_t returnCode = 0;
uint8_t address;
for (uint8_t channel = 0; channel < TCA9548A_MAX_CHANNELS; channel++) {
M5.Lcd.setCursor(X_LOCAL, Y_LOCAL + Y_OFFSET * channel, FRONT);
" ");
M5.Lcd.setCursor(X_LOCAL, Y_LOCAL + Y_OFFSET * channel, FRONT);
M5.Lcd.printf("CH%d : ", channel);
returnCode = tca9548a.selectChannel(channel);
if (returnCode == 0) {
for (address = 0x01; address < 0x7F; address++) {
returnCode = Wire.endTransmission();
if (returnCode == 0) {
Serial.print("I2C device = ");
M5.Lcd.printf("0X%X ", address);