If it's not connecting to the device, what errors do you see? Paste your command line output here and maybe I can help further.
One other custom I did for ampy... I created the file ~/.ampy with these contents:
# Example .ampy file
# Please fill in your own port, baud rate, and delay
# Fix for macOS users' "Could not enter raw repl"; try 2.0 and lower from there:
If you create that file, you will not have to pass the port and baud rate options when running the ampy command. This is the standard way to run ampy when you don't have the .ampy file created.
world101$ ampy -p /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART -b 115200 ls
Also, I was mistaken on the the v1.2.3 firmware with the beeps disabled by default. I just flashed one of my cores with the M5Burner and the beeps are there. I must have been running a custom firmware before.