Hello @Slyke
Tasmonizer did not work for me either. VSC/PlatformIO only worked with version 9.5.0. (Version 9.6.0 or master don't compile for me.)
Here are the steps:
Clone Tasmota: git clone https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota.git
Checkout 9.5.0: git checkout pre-release-9.5.0
Rename sample file: mv platformio_override_sample.ini platformio_override.ini
Open project in VSC/PlatformIO
Modify platformio_override.ini: comment out: tasmota / uncomment: tasmota32-core2
Compile & Link & Download from within VSC/PlatformIO
Note: there is nothing on the LCD screen at this point. I think the device is waiting to be configured.
Serial output:
00:00:00.001 HDW: ESP32-D0WDQ6-V3
00:00:00.011 UFS: FlashFS mounted with 10292 kB free
00:00:00.031 CFG: Loaded from File, Count 5
00:00:00.036 QPC: Count 2
00:00:00.038 SPI: Hardware using GPIO18(CLK), GPIO23(MOSI) and GPIO38(MISO)
00:00:00.248 I2C: AXP192 found at 0x34
00:00:00.250 I2C: RTC found at 0x51
00:00:00.257 BRY: Berry initialized, RAM used=1760
00:00:00.261 BRY: no 'preinit.be'
00:00:00.837 I2C: FT5206 found at 0x38
00:00:00.837 DSP: ILI9341
00:00:01.409 Project tasmota Tasmota Version 9.5.0(core2)-1_0_6(2021-10-21T09:48:12)
00:00:01.409 UFILESYSTEM OK!
00:00:01.515 CR2: Set time from BM8563 to RTC (UTC) 2000-02-04T13:00:32, (DST) 1970-03-29T02:00:00, (STD) 1970-10-25T03:00:00
00:00:01.521 BRY: no 'autoexec.be'
00:00:01.818 WIF: WifiManager active for 3 minutes
13:00:33.537 HTP: Web server active on tasmota_C50340-0832 with IP address
13:00:39.532 QPC: Reset