SOLVED : After remeniscing abount my life, and specifically what goes wrong here, i just realised : could it be that I am using an outdated library of ClosedCube. And yes, after using the version from 4 April 2023, everything works fine now.
@felmue In Dutch : Krijg nou wat?
I put the RFID 2 module in slot 1 of the TCA 9548A module and then in channel 0 (weird because i have placed it in channel 1) i see address 0x28 of the RFID popping up.
Does this mean that channel 0 on the module is not usable?
In follow_up , I have checked ClosedCube_TCA9548A.cpp and the selctChannel goes like this :
uint8_t ClosedCube::Wired::TCA9548A::selectChannel(uint8_t channel) {
uint8_t result = 0xff;
if (channel < TCA9548A_MAX_CHANNELS) {
Wire.write(((uint8_t)1) << (channel));
_currentChannel = channel;
result = Wire.endTransmission();
return result;
That seems to be correct if I read the documentation of the Texas Instrument module TCA9548A
I am really misunderstaning something or could it be that their is somekind of wire mixup in the module?
Btw, I also dont see a reset channel somewhere in the code.
Now i did another experiment using PCA9548AP (the newer version).
Plugging in the RFID in channel 0 gives no response.
Plugging in channel 1 : software tels me the device is in channel 0
Plugging in a second RFID in channel 2 :software tells met a I have another device in channel 1.
I tried to increase the max number of channels to 8 (assuming that channel 0 is somehow connected to channel 7 of 8). Still no response when i attach a device physically on channel 0.
This is really weird behaviour. I hope someone is at least able to reproduce this behaviour.